“Women in GI” – EUROGI Focus Group

(Pilot) Survey
[The goal of the present action is to submit a draft version of the survey to a selection of women involved in the GI sector to obtain comments and observations for a final version of the survey. It would be appreciated if you could return it with either comments / suggestions or filled questionnaire or both. Please feel free to choose the type of questionnaire that best suits your sector / job. For your convenience, also a pdf preview is available]
Founded in 1994, EUROGI represents the networking platform on GI in Europe and offers the opportunity to learn, share experiences and knowledge with fellow experts on a wide range of topics.
The Women in GI Focus group aims to produce a position paper that collects information describing the current situation about the presence and role of women in the GI sector, and that can be used to ask more attention from people and institutions directly involved in policy and decision-making activities.
If you have any queries regarding any aspects of this survey, please do not hesitate to contact Associate Professor Monica Sebillo at monica.sebillo@eurogi.org
It would be appreciated if you could return the completed questionnaire to Monica by the end of July. Thank you.
In any publication of results of this survey, no mention will be made of individual responses. We are only interested in overall patterns.
(Pilot) survey for Public Organizations
(Pilot) survey for Private Companies
(Pilot) survey for Public institutions / Research institutions / Universities